Vinnigami's Commission Info!!

Please read my TOS before contacting me!! It makes for a better experience on both ends :)All money will be going to @FlavoredGames!If you want to support her directly, go Here!== ==
Message me Via Twitter (@vinnigami or Discord (Wheat#8920) if you're interested.

TOS Commission Info

Terms of the Service

–I only have PayPal. No, I can't get any other payment methods.
–If you want to pay in Discord Nitro, you’ll only be able to get the 5$ and 10$ options.
>>I don’t feel like dropping my pricing! Please don't try to barter with me. The prices are low enough as is.<<
–I'll draw almost anything, given a clear reference!–Please give me as much detail as possible about what you want. I'm not a mind reader, so feel free to send as much detail as you would like!! Other art/images that are similar to what you'd want are encouraged as well.== ==I WON'T draw:
–Anything else I feel uncomfortable with
== ==I WILL draw:
–Ship art
–Complex Outfits/Designs
>> NOTE: I won't ask for payment until I send a sketch, but until I send a sketch I hold the right to cancel the transaction at any time.<<
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Commission Info!

Lineless art:
== ==
7$ - PFP
10$ - Bust shot (from the waist up)

More examples here!

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Flat Coloring
5$ - only Bust shot
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7$ - PFP
10$ - Bust shot
15$ - Full body
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Cooler Shading
10$ - PFP
15$ - Bust shot
20$ - Full body

More examples here!

== ==
5$ - only full body

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5$ - Splatoon Hero mode icon
7$ - Discord emoji

More examples here!

Extra characters are half the listed price

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Lineless work!

Design credit - @hanimitsuu on twitter

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Lined work!


Full Arts

Cooler Shading

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Hero Mode

Discord Emojis

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